Learning Objects

I propose to show here three Learning Object they have in common the e-learning perspective of cooperative freedom and transparency.

In the first subject, a cartoon, I try to highlight some important features about the learning theory advocated by Professor. Morten Paulsen. To best take away from your cartoon, I suggest that you see this article that author: Cooperative Freedom: An online
education theory.

Cooperative Freedom

Cooperative Freedom

The second subject, I will show you how George Siemens sees the educational potential of the blog, do it in a tool (VoiceThread) where you can also participate in the disc
ussion. If you like, you can download the presentation and simplified, if the wish to insert into a presentation room, here.

Finally, a third object.
I suggest you read this first paper:
Transparency in Cooperative Online Education, by Chritian Dalsgaard and Morten Flate Paulsen in The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol 10, No 3 (2009.

Then, in a relaxed way, play with this quiz and see how the main aspects are recalled.

(c) http://globpt.com


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